Revision Questions sorted to Chapter 21 - 24 Stephen Doyle "Information Systems for You"


What is computer modelling? Give a practical example.

What would happen when?? If you use a computer system to analyse the outcome of a predefined process, you can use a computer model. Modelling is e.g. used to calculate

Applications * Software

What is computer simulation? Give a practical example.

Simulation is when a computer program (using a lot of math) imitates a real life object or a process and then displays what happens to that object or process when conditions change. For instance, physical models of aeroplanes are created on the computer and then put through simulations of turbulence and storms to see how the planes react. The computer can do what wind tunnels used to do. * Larger computers can simulate stars and molecules so scientists can study certain aspects of them. * The game Microsoft Flight Simulator so realistically simulates flying a plane that it's often used in professional flight instruction. * Simulation is done when creating the real situation would be too costly, too dangerous or too difficult.

Applications * Software * Expert systems

Give 2 uses of Expert systems.

An expert system has a knowledge database and a rules database. Examples are: * * - medical diagnosis * - oil prospecting programs (used e.g. by Shell) * - fighting militairy battles * - configuring computer systems * - determing molecular structures * - advise / decision making programs (e.g. banking, insurance companies) * - chess software

Applications * Software * Expert systems

What are expert systems.

Expert systems have both a knowledge database (Facts) and a rules database (If-Then-Else . . ) included. The knowledge must be inputted by experts themselves. They will gather all facts and put them into the knowledge (facts) database. The rules also have to be inputted into the expert system. The information comes from again the experts themselves. The rules will be inputted with the help of special programming languages, developed for expert systems (e.g. ADA). Rules will explain when some facts are valid and when not. E.g. If somebody has temperature he might be sick or he might just be a bit over heated after a soccer game played in the summer. * * Examples are: * * - medical diagnosis * - oil prospecting programs (used e.g. by Shell) * - fighting military battles * - configuring computer systems * - determining molecular structures * - advise / decision making programs (e.g. banking, insurance companies) * - chess software

Applications * Software * Expert systems

What are expert systems?

An expert system is the type of software people usually mean when they talk about artificial intelligence. Software that uses an expert system comes up with recommendations for the best solution to a complex problem, based on information you (the user) feed it about the current situation. You ask the computer a question or pose a problem, and the expert system provides an answer, based on a "knowledge base" of human expertise. * The person programming an expert system analyzes the behavior of a human expert in the field, breaking down the expert's handling of the problem into a set of explicit rules ("if the molten steel contains 1.4 % copper, then increase the temperature to 675 degrees, unless the carbon content exceeds 1.5%, in which case . . ."). Once a good expert system knows all the relevant rules, its recommendations should match those of the expert. The catch is teaching the expert system all the rules it will need to deal with every possible scenario it might confront &emdash;no expert system can be as flexible as a person. When an expert system isn't programmed very well, some of its decisions can be pretty funny. * Expert systems are used in equipment repair, investment analysis, insurance planning, route scheduling, training, medical diagnosis, production control, and in other areas.

Social impacts * Input Devices

Explain why the staff using terminals might be concerned about the effects on their health. Give two reasons why they might be worried.

Wordprocessing * Applications * Office

What software would be used in an office, to inform all customers (stored in a database) about a new product?

First search for all customers in the database (find all). * Then Sort the records (maybe according to postcode). * Then use the wordprocessor combined with the database in order to produce a mailmerge (write letter and add database fields like Name and Address, then print and merge).

Wordprocessing * Applications * Office

What software would be used in an office, where they produce letters and invoices and keep accounts of customers?

Wordprocessor, Database and for the accounting eventually a spreadsheet or a specific bookkeeping program. *