5F Revision sheet for Mock exam (new book)

Chap 1 What is an I(C)T System?

Chap 2 Components of an IT system - Micro / Mini / Mainframe / OS

Chap 3 Input and output devices/methods

Chap 4 Storing data - CPU bit/byte, HD, Tape , RAM and ROM

Chap 5 Software - Compiler Programming

Chap 6 Collecting Data

Chap 7 Checking of Data (Validation, errors)

Chap 8 Data Storage (Databases) structures

Chap 9 Types of Computer operation - Realtime/Multitasking

Chap 10 Data transfer - Ascii / Bit / Bytes

Chap 11 Presenting Data -Multimedia Computers

Chap 12 Describing Systems (Flowchart)

Chap 13 System analysis

Chap 13 DATA logging (Weather forecast)

Chap 15 Transferring Data around -Networks (LAN / WAN)

Chap 16 System Security

Chap 17 Data and You - Law and Data act principles

Chap 18 Computers and Law

Chap 19 Social effects of IT

Chap 20 Controlling Things

Chap 21 Computers and Health

Chap 22 Electronic Office

Chap 23 Simulations

Chap 27 Wordprocessing

Chap 28 Spreadsheet Applications

Chap 29 DTP Desktop Publishing

Chap 31 Measurement and Control

Don’t forget:
on the http://go.to/igcse website (go to Exams) you can find many, many exam questions on-line (most in PDF-format). Why not trying out a couple of them!! (They use them too! (Big hint!)